Market Insights

Organizational success depends as much on how organizations react to external environment and market forces as on internal excellence. This has become even more important in the last decade as the forces of rapid technology shifts and globalization have upended normal business practices.


PeriscopeMI provides a comprehensive set of capabilities for market research, intelligence and actionable insights. It combines PeriscopeIQ’s deep online data collection and analysis capabilities with its staff’s thought leadership in statistical sciences and practical applications. Using PeriscopeIQ’s proprietary Strategic Map Modeling (SMM) methodology, each solution or project is tailored to meet its key strategic objectives which are discussed and defined in tailoring the solution. With multilingual capabilities of the platform and PeriscopeIQ’s long experience in working on projects in many countries, such projects can be regional, national or global in scope.

Examples of applications of PeriscopeMI include market research surveys, focus groups, IDIs, customer and market segmentation, key business driver analysis, product positioning, brand valuation and pricing research.

With Periscope Market Insights, users can:

  • Mount sophisticated market research studies
  • Simplify complex surveys to minimize dropouts and bias and maximize data validity
  • Perform advanced analyses to determine significance and correlation
Key Features:
  • Advanced market research platform
  • Unlimited scope and reach
  • Sophisticated analysis capabilities
  • Multilingual applications
  • Crosstab, correlation, regression, percentiles
  • Conjoint Analysis
  • Comparative, Gap and TURF analysis
  • Detailed exports for external analysis